Friday, October 18, 2019

Organisational disasters occur as a result of ineffective decision Essay

Organisational disasters occur as a result of ineffective decision making. Assess the validity of this claim with reference to at least two different organisational disasters - Essay Example The need for continuous monitoring at every level of management is especially important because more than one level of management can be involved. Organisational disasters can be explained as a breakdown caused by organisational processes or procedures. Organisational disasters can be caused by conscious organisational activities and administrative evil, normal accident and safety and risk. The rapid growth of technology and the dramatically falling cost of computing capability means that more and more aspects of managerial planning and decision making can be assisted by information technology provided, of course, that the information system is developed in accordance with properly defined objectives and principles. Thus, it does not guarantee safety and effective planning so important for modern organisations. Following Edwards and Wajcman (2005) organisational disasters occur when â€Å"things go wrong† (p. 145). The researchers add that Apart from its inherent importance, the issue of mistakes and errors is valuable for several reasons. First, it is rarely addressed in studies of organisations. Not only is it absent from many standard textbooks, but it is also not discussed in a volume aiming to lay out the key approaches to strategy, even though overcoming errors might be seen as central to strategy (p. 146). Another important element of the effective performance is decision-making process. Decision-making influences organisational performance and future growth. Among all the operations of a business, it is decision making and planning of a strategic nature which makes the greatest demands for information on the external environment. It requires ongoing monitoring for developments which would change the position of the business in relation to its market or other environments, and ad hoc research for particular purposes. Decision-making has a great impact on performance because it determines the best practices and allows a

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